Lost 40 lbs!
Hello Precious One! Here is a fantastic glory story sent to us by Monique, a Canadian Light Weigh & One King Coordinator and mother of...
Mother of 4 lost 22 lbs!
"So then let us not sleep, as others do, but let us keep awake and be sober." 1 Thessalonians 5:6 Hello Precious One! Advent is a new...
Path to Heaven!
A Note from Glastonbury Abbey ~ "The [One King] material and course was very helpful and our group learned a boat load about eating and...
Starting a Group NOW!
Hello Precious One! Did you know that starting a group now or staying active in your current group is one of the best things to do for...
Happy Feast of All Souls​!
Hello Precious One! Happy Feast of All Souls! Yesterday was the Feast of All Saints and today is the Feast of All Souls. Yesterday at...
Rowing with St. Peter Alcantara​!
Hello Precious One! Oh there is so much to say - I wish I could have everyone over for hot coffee on this chilly day! Today, October...
Hello Precious One! Hello Precious One!Have you ever had a reluctant friend? And can the word "reluctant" even be used with "friend"? You...
Prayer & Sacrifice Speeding Recovery!
Hello Precious One! Hello Precious One! St. Therese is such an inspiration! It never ceases to amaze me the difference prayer & sacrifice...
Hello Precious One! All I can say is "WOW!" The day retreat at St. Cyril's was amazing! Light Weigh Coordinators and members flew in from...
You Will Be Blessed!
Hello Precious One! I went to a three night mission at my parish last week and it inspired me! The priest was speaking on evangelization...