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Fearfully & Wonderfully Made!

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“For thou didst form my inward parts, thou didst knit me together I my mother’s womb. I praise thee, for thou art fearful and wonderful. Wonderful are thy works!” Psalm 139:13-14

Hello Precious One!

Are we not fearfully and wonderfully made?! Is God amazing?! And people are always trying to put Him in a box, by attempting to “explain” how He created and creates still! God is way to big for any box our human minds will ever create for Him.

In addition to being fearfully and wonderfully made, we are extremely complex emotionally. We each have lived a story of life that has impacted our hearts and minds. We all are broken. So what is the answer? Jesus Christ is The Answer – for everything. Then why do we run from Him? The answer is fear.

We can be faced with the solution to our problems with Light Weigh. We can gather all the information – sometimes obsessively, and then although we “think” we are “so close to God” – we run. We ignore His soft Voice. We put Him to another test. We have to pray about it. We have to ignore the obvious door He has opened – why? Fear.

If Light Weigh is really “it” – what if it doesn’t work for me?! Years ago a woman who worked for our archdiocese, called me about joining Light Weigh. She had tried “everything,” had a bad family health history and was probably 60-75 pounds overweight. She said to me on the phone, “What if this doesn’t work for me Suzanne? Is that going to mean God doesn’t love me?” Then she immediately said how she knew that wasn’t true – but even though we may override that thought, it is part of the fear we each have to deal with.

Fear is the darkside’s greatest weapon and he uses it on everyone! If you do not get this fact, you will stay in bondage. Bondage means you allow fear to outweigh trust in God. When this happens you are stuck, no matter how much you want to move, you are weighted down! Literally! “I would start Light Weigh – but…..”

Do not keep putting God to the test! He has proven Himself! He has proven He loves you!!! Trust Him fully! Jesus I trust in You! Stepping out to start a group, join a group or keep going in your group is an act of trust! Trust God enough this summer and begin Light Weigh One King or Light Weigh. He wants to help you – but you must trust Him enough to let Him!

Yours In Christ The Risen Lord!


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