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Thriving OR Wilted?

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“Jesus answered and said to her, ‘Everyone who drinks of this water will thirst again; but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst; but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life.’”

John 4:13-14

Hello Precious One!

The Fourth of July means summer is half over to me, and I am usually not that thrilled to acknowledge it!

God has shown me something recently – Two hibiscus, same treatment & exposure, different pots. One wilted and wasting away. One thriving! The wilted one got “leaf wilt” which damages the plants ability to absorb water. This is what happens to us when we no longer use our Light Weigh One King or Light Weigh tools, we begin to wilt. The only solution for this plant is medicine that may or may not work, to allow the water to begin being absorbed again. The plant that is thriving is absorbing the water the way it should.

Jesus is the Living Water, and One King and Light Weigh are designed to connect you to Him – but you have to do what you need to do, and not turn away from the Living Water. How so? You do not progress – you do not: use what you have received by joining, order new materials for each session, listen to audios, do the Bible study, attend your meetings and so on. If you are feeling wilted, this is what is going on.

Give your group a “group challenge!” Have each member use their journal for a week. It makes a HUGE difference when you do this! It is not enough to join or just attend. You have got to use it – to lose it! This means you have to participate and absorb.

So many groups are ordering new materials, adding new people and getting plates and mugs. Smart. It keeps you engaged and absorbing.

Which hibiscus do you want to be? Thriving or wilted?

Yours In Christ The Risen Lord!


P.S. Small groups are more important now than ever!!! Keep going and start reserving your rooms for fall. It isn’t up to any one of us – but it is up to each of us!

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